Veterinary Blogs
Forest Hills Cat Hospital Blogs
We love educating our clients. That’s why we have curated and shared posts filled with helpful information regarding pet care.
Veterinary Blogs
Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Forest Hills Cat Hospital team!
Fall Feline Safety Tips
Fall Feline Safety Tips Fall has arrived (as of September 23), and with this change in season comes all new tips to keep the furry members of your household happy and healthy. Indoor/Outdoor Cats For all intents and purposes, we were very lucky that this past Summer...
Coyote Sighted Locally On Monday (4/27/15), a coyote was sighted in Middle Village–very close to the Cat Hospital. While the NYPD is searching for the coyote, they have yet to capture it. The Cat Hospital would like to remind our clients and their families to be...
Please Be Vigilant: Vaccinate Your Cats and Dogs For Rabies
Please Be Vigilant: Vaccinate Your Cats and Dogs For Rabies[/feature_headline] Dr. Luger recently wrote a letter to the editor of The Juniper Berry in response to an article published regarding the nocturnal animals with whom we share neighborhood. Please see the...
NYC Dept. of Health Vaccinating Raccoons for Rabies in Queens and Brooklyn
Dear Clients, Below is the unabridged notice that our office received from the NYC Department of Health regarding a Rabies vaccination program for raccoons in certain areas of Queens and Brooklyn. It is obvious that this program is being initiated because of the...
Vet Techs: Animal Hospitals’ Unsung Heroes
Vet Techs: Animal Hospitals’ Unsung Heroes To spread awareness about the crucial role veterinary technicians play in animal health, the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) celebrates National Veterinary Technician Week the third...
Pet Obesity Prevention Starts with These 3 Steps
Pet Obesity Prevention Starts with These 3 Steps Did you know that more than half of the nation’s cats and dogs are considered overweight or obese? In honor of National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, which falls on October 12, we are sharing tips to help prevent...
Prepare Your Pet for the Back-to-School Transition
Prepare Your Pet for the Back-to-School Transition Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try....
How We Keep Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia
How We Keep Your Pet Safe Under Anesthesia Your pet’s safety is our number one priority, particularly when they undergo anesthesia and surgical procedures. We understand you also are concerned about your pet’s health and safety while under anesthesia, and we...
How Pet Vaccinations Can Protect Your Pet From Disease
How Pet Vaccinations Can Protect Your Pet From Disease Although you know your pet needs vaccinations yearly, you may not fully understand what they protect against, how they work, and which ones are necessary. Our team answers these common questions about pet...
Learn About Early Detection Screening Tests for Senior Pets
Learn About Early Detection Screening Tests for Senior Pets It’s no secret that our pets do not live long enough. Along with a shorter lifespan—in relation to their human family members—come rapid health changes, particularly in their later years. Although...